About GAP Peptides

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So far GAP Peptides has created 19 blog entries.

    The Baker’s Dozen of Green Chemistry Commandments

    This just-completed series was designed to guide peptide chemists toward a greener, more sustainable laboratory. If you want to read a previous entry, they can all be found here. Additionally, we urge you to peruse our most recently published piece and its related blog here and here. A Review of the Twelve Commandments of Green [...]

    By | 2022-04-11T18:15:59-05:00 April 12th, 2022|Blog, Green Chemistry, resources/gapp-blog/|Comments Off on The Baker’s Dozen of Green Chemistry Commandments
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    The Twelfth Commandment: Inherently Safer Chemistry for Accident Prevention

    This blog series is designed to guide peptide chemists toward a greener, more sustainable laboratory. Each of our blog entries (or sermons if you will) delve into one principle.  If you missed a previous one, the previous eleven principles can be found here. Additionally, we urge you to peruse our most recently published piece [...]

    By | 2022-04-01T06:37:20-05:00 March 31st, 2022|Blog, Green Chemistry, resources/gapp-blog/|Comments Off on The Twelfth Commandment: Inherently Safer Chemistry for Accident Prevention

      The Eleventh Commandment: Real-Time Analysis for Pollution Prevention

      Our latest blog series guides peptide chemists towards a greener, more sustainable laboratory. Each of our blog entries (or sermons, if you will) delve into one principle.  If you missed a previous one, they can be found here. In addition to the previous ten principles, we urge you to peruse our most recently published piece [...]

      By | 2022-03-15T05:24:42-05:00 March 15th, 2022|Blog, Green Chemistry, resources/gapp-blog/|Comments Off on The Eleventh Commandment: Real-Time Analysis for Pollution Prevention

        The Tenth Commandment: Design for Degradation

        Our latest blog series is designed to guide peptide chemists towards a greener, more sustainable laboratory. Each of our blog entries (or sermons if you will) delve into one principle.  If you missed a previous one, they can be found here. In addition to the previous nine principles, we urge you to peruse our [...]

        By | 2022-03-01T07:09:54-06:00 March 1st, 2022|Blog, Green Chemistry, resources/gapp-blog/|Comments Off on The Tenth Commandment: Design for Degradation

          The Ninth Commandment: Catalysis – Use Catalysts, Not Stoichiometric Reagents

          Our latest blog series is designed to guide peptide chemists towards a greener, more sustainable laboratory. Each of our blog entries (or sermons, if you will) will delve into one principle.  If you missed a previous one, they can be found here. Ninth Commandment: Catalysis - Use Catalysts, Not Stoichiometric Reagents After a brief hiatus, [...]

          By | 2022-02-09T08:17:48-06:00 February 9th, 2022|Blog, Green Chemistry, resources/gapp-blog/|Comments Off on The Ninth Commandment: Catalysis – Use Catalysts, Not Stoichiometric Reagents

          Turning Green Into Gold: Advancing Green Chemistry For People, The Planet, and Prosperity

          Introduction: The Whys and Wherefores of Sustainability Efforts in Peptide Synthesis Although established over a quarter-century ago, the concept of green chemistry has only recently advanced to become a genuine movement1 It is now prominently embraced by organizations striving to address known challenges within peptide chemistry. While the "how-to" for greening historically hazardous and wasteful [...]

          By | 2022-03-01T07:06:25-06:00 January 27th, 2022|Blog, Green Chemistry, resources/gapp-blog/|Comments Off on Turning Green Into Gold: Advancing Green Chemistry For People, The Planet, and Prosperity

            The Eighth Commandment: Reduce Derivatives

            The Commandments of Green Chemistry Our latest blog series is designed to guide peptide chemists towards a greener, more sustainable laboratory. Each of our blog entries (or sermons, if you will) will delve into one principle.  If you missed a previous one, they can be found here. Eighth Commandment: Reduce Derivatives The full explanation of [...]

            By | 2022-03-01T07:09:01-06:00 December 9th, 2021|Blog, Green Chemistry|Comments Off on The Eighth Commandment: Reduce Derivatives

            The Seventh Commandment: Use of Renewable Feedstocks

            Our latest blog series is designed to guide peptide chemists towards a greener, more sustainable laboratory. Each of our blog entries (or sermons, if you will) will delve into one principle.  If you missed a previous one, they can be found here. Seventh Commandment: Use of Renewable Feedstocks The seventh principle of the ACS [...]

            By | 2022-03-01T07:09:01-06:00 November 22nd, 2021|Blog, Green Chemistry|Comments Off on The Seventh Commandment: Use of Renewable Feedstocks

              The Sixth Commandment: Design for Energy Efficiency

              The Commandments of Green Chemistry Our latest blog series is designed to guide peptide chemists towards a greener, more sustainable laboratory. Each of our blog entries (or sermons, if you will) will delve into one principle.  If you missed a previous one, they can be found here. Sixth Commandment: Design for Energy Efficiency At [...]

              By | 2022-03-01T07:09:01-06:00 November 3rd, 2021|Blog, Green Chemistry|Comments Off on The Sixth Commandment: Design for Energy Efficiency

                The Fifth Commandment: Safer Solvents and Auxiliaries

                The Commandments of Green Chemistry Our latest blog series is designed to guide peptide chemists towards a greener, more sustainable laboratory. Each of our blog entries (or sermons, if you will) will delve into one principle. If you missed a previous one, they are found here. Fifth Commandment: Safer Solvents and Auxiliaries The use [...]

                By | 2022-03-01T07:09:02-06:00 October 14th, 2021|Blog, Green Chemistry|Comments Off on The Fifth Commandment: Safer Solvents and Auxiliaries